Industrial process often generates large amount of exhausts gases, containing different gaseous air pollutants that are hazardous in nature and should be treated well before venting it to atmosphere as per pollution control Board norms. Apzem Wet scrubber system utilizes absorption techniques to separate pollutant acid gases from exhaust air. Apzem has been custom designing spray scrubber, Packed bed scrubber, Venturi scrubber, Horizontal type chromic acid scrubber for various customers across different industries. The selection and customization, is hugely depends on exhaust gas temperature, its constituents, corrosive nature, pollution loading, their absorption or adsorption nature, moisture contents etc. Apzem provides complete customization of its entire range of scrubbers.
Fume control, Acid Gas Removal, Odor Control, Ammonia Removal, CO2, NOx, SOx and VOCs removal, hazardous Chemical Fume Scrubbing
Fume control, Oil Mist & Smell / Gas Control, Acid Gas Removal, Odor Control, Particulate Matter Removal, Ammonia Removal, CO2, NOx, SOx and VOCs removal, hazardous Chemical Fume Scrubbing
Fume control, Oil Mist & Smell / Gas Control, Particulate Matter Removal, Gas and Particle Removal
Mining and Smelting, Pulp and Paper Industry, Waste Incineration, Foundries, Power Plants emissions, Metal Smelting and Refining, Petroleum Refining, Crematories, Particulate Matter Removal
Fume control, Chemical fumes, Chrome Plating Industry, hazardous Chemical Fume Scrubbing
Fume control, Oil Mist & Smell / Gas Control, Printing and Coating, Municipal Solid Waste, Cement Production and asphalt mixing, Paint Booths, Power Plants emissions, Petroleum Refining, CO2, NOx, SOx and VOCs removal, Acid Gas Neutralization
Fume control, Oil Mist & Smell / Gas Control, Acid Gas Removal, Odor Control, Ammonia Removal, CO2, NOx, SOx and VOCs removal, Acid Gas Neutralization
Acid Gas Removal, Ammonia Removal, CO2, NOx, SOx and VOCs removal, Continuous Emission Monitoring (CEM), Acid Gas Neutralization, Real-Time Monitoring and Control
Waste Incineration, Waste Treatment Facilities, Mobile Medical Waste Incinerators, Medical Waste Incinerators
Medical Waste Incinerators, Industrial Waste Incinerators, Crematories, Laboratory Waste Disposal
Fume control, Chemical fumes, Acid Gas Removal